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2 min read

Small Businesses Making a Difference

Small Businesses Making a Difference

What day is it today? Honestly, I’m not even sure anymore. When I woke up this morning I could have sworn it was Sunday. Of course I was very disappointed when I realized that it was Monday. While I must admit that I have a bit of an advantage over many people right now because I’ve been working from home for the last nine years, I haven’t had to work remotely with four young kids running around. That makes it quite a different story! I also recognize that we are luckier than many because my husband (who is a state trooper) and I both have our jobs and we mostly work opposite shifts. Even though we are able to take turns with the kids, it has been a challenge!

Okay, I’m done venting, so let me get to the real point of this blog post. I have many close friends and family members, who like you, are working on the front lines of healthcare and struggling to get the proper PPE, as it’s simply not available in the quantities needed. I don’t know about any of you, but these thoughts have been keeping me up at night!

Pandemic Priorities

I work for a small business that places a lot of emphasis on helping others and making the world a better place. During this pandemic, I have seen so many great examples of small businesses (who might already be struggling financially themselves) being creative and looking to make a difference. 

We at Voicebrook have actually been working on a great project behind-the-scenes that we hope can help our friends in the pathology community who need support in this very stressful time in healthcare. I can't spill the beans just yet, but I can say that we are very excited to launch this project soon. It’s easy to use and it’s free… no strings attached. So keep your eyes peeled for that announcement, coming soon.

Pandemic Pivot

And we aren't the only ones seeking out ways to come together and do our part. A good friend of mine let me know that her family company, RCO Engineering, had started to make face shields. Previously, they made components for automotive, aerospace, and defense companies. I had always thought the history of this business was cool in that it was created by my friend’s grandfather and his three partners in the 1970’s. When they went through a tough time many years ago, the partners wanted to close, but her grandfather was dedicated to making it work and keeping the business going. He was able to bounce back and eventually handed the business down to his children. While this company has continued to grow, they also have deep family roots and many of the family members work in different roles at the company. Like many other small businesses they are struggling through this tough economic time, but are trying to shift gears in order to stay afloat while also contributing to the growing need for PPE. 

rco face shield

When I got a photo of the face shield that they were manufacturing, I was immediately interested. Being a former phlebotomist and forensic autopsy assistant, I know firsthand how messy healthcare can get. Don’t get me wrong, I know this face shield does not take the place of PPE, but it can at least increase your level of safety. These face shields are more readily available and can help to keep precious N95 masks from getting contaminated so that they can be used again when necessary. If your organization could benefit, you can learn more here or send an email.

And just look at these adorable little face shield models (yes, they're my kids and this kept them occupied for a few minutes so WIN, WIN). 


RCO was able to pivot and create the mold to begin manufacturing these shields in a matter of days. We stand with our small business owners and appreciate their creativity and innovation. Stay safe and healthy out there, everyone!



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