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Lindsey Pitsch

Wife, mother of 4, Michigander, Vice President of Client Success, Forensic Pathology Assistant, Former Medical Examiner Investigator, Nerd, Sorority Adviser, Volunteer, Lover of Cooking and all things food.

2 min read

Small Businesses Making a Difference

What day is it today? Honestly, I’m not even sure anymore. When I woke up this morning I could have sworn it was Sunday. Of course I was very disappointed when I realized that it was Monday. While I must admit that I have a bit of an advantage over...


3 min read

Information Travels Fast... But Sometimes Not Fast Enough

Recently I went to the Emergency Room for extreme pelvic/abdominal pain. Of course, as I was waiting to be seen, I consulted Dr. Google to figure out...

Pathologists use templates

3 min read

PRO Tip: Using Templates to Speed Up Your Dictation and Improve Accuracy

Most of us probably don’t pay much attention, but we use "templates" in our everyday lives. We are using them so much, in fact, that our devices are...